JR: copy writing and graphic design using photo elements created by Ryan Stranz
 JR: customization for ASGCC using CDC-designed graphic
 JR: copy editing and layout based on graphic design by Ryan Stranz
 JR: graphic design using logos from ASGCC and Giving Tuesday
 JR: copy editing and graphic design
 JR: graphic design
 JR: customization for ASGCC using CDC-designed graphic
 JR: copy writing and graphic design
 JR: copy editing and graphic design
 JR: customization for ASGCC using CDC-designed graphic
 JR: copy editing and graphic design
 JR: graphic design
 JR: copy editing and graphic design
 JR: copy editing and graphic design
 JR: copy editing, layout, and customization for ASGCC using MVB-designed graphic
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